Dr. Ali Deniz Dalgıç

  • TÜBİTAK 1001, Project: 215M893, 01.05.2016-13.02.2019 “An Investigation of the Usability of Diatom Silica Skeleton-Reinforced Polyhydroxybutyrate-cohydroxivalate / Pullulan Three Dimensional Tissue Scaffolds in Bone Tissue Engineering” Scholar
  • METU, Department of Engineering Sciences, DAP-08-11-2012-016, 01.01.2012-31.12.2013 “Investigation of the In vitro Efficacy of New Liposomal System Containing Anticancer Drugs and Anti-CD20 Antibody in the Treatment of Leukemia and Lymphoma Diseases”, Researcher
  • METU, Department of Engineering Sciences, BAP-07-02-2014-007-610, 01.01.2014-31.12.2016, Graduate school of natural and applied sciences, MSc Thesis Project. Researcher   
  • Worked as researcher, “Menadione (Vitamin K3) and Doxorubicin dual loaded liposomes for enhanced anticancer effect” başlıklı, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, GAP-310-2022-GAP Project number 10875 was concluded on 17.01.2023.
  • Worked as a researcher, “Nano-Enabled Antimicrobial Food Packaging Incorporating Natural Bioactives from Mediterranean Agri-Wastes” başlıklı, Horizon 2020- PRIMA-Partnership for Research and Innovation solutions in the Mediterranean region project, was entitled to be supported on 06.12.23.
  • Worked as a researcher, 121Z680 numaralı, “Kanser hücrelerinde hibrit epitelmezenkimal geçiş durumlarının karakterizasyonu ve bu hibrit durumları hedefleyen ilaç adayı moleküllerin belirlenmesi” titled TUBITAK 1001 project continues.
  • Worked as a advisor, TÜBİTAK 2209-A Üniversite Öğrencileri Araştırma Projeleri Destekleme Programı Within the scope of the 2023-1 application period, the project numbered 1919B012304110, carried out by the coordinator AYŞE NİLAY SEYHAN, continues.
  • Worked as a executive İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, BAP project no: 2021.02.005, “Meme
    Kanseri Tümör Alımı Operasyonu Sonrası Tedaviye Yönelik Lokal Talidomid Salımı İçin Hücre
    Taşıyıcı/Lipozom Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi”project titled is ongoing.

Dr. Gülsen Betül Aktaş

  • DeCoDeB (EU) FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG: Marie Curie Career Integration Project (CIG), Researcher
  • European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) “Development of simple, fast and low-cost lateral flow assays based on signal amplification mediated by an HRP-DNA binding protein conjugate”, Wageningen University, Researcher
  • “Selection of aptamers against anabolic steroids”,  King Abdulaziz Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Post doctoral Researcher
  • BAP fund supported AK 85 090 numbered “MEMS biyosensörlerde sinyal arttırıcı yöntemlerin kullanılması ve sensör hassaslığının arttırılması”.
  • EU Horizon 2020 PRIMA “Nano-Enabled Antimicrobial Food Packaging Incorporating Natural Bioactives from Mediterranean Agri-Wastes” Role: Project coordinator

Assoc.Prof. Yiğit Dağhan Gökdel

  • Istanbul Bilgi University, Scientific Research Projects (BAP), (2020-2022) “Implementation of MEMS Scanner Based Miniaturized Projection Display”.
  • TUBITAK EEEAG Project 117E236 (2018-2021) “Paper-Based MEMS Biosensors for Aflatoxin Detection”.
  • Istanbul Bilgi University, Scientific Research Projects, (2016-2017) “Design and Fabrication of Low-Cost Paper-Based MEMS Biosensors “.
  • TUBITAK SBAG Project 113S114 (2013-2015) “Design and Fabrication of a Biopsy Catheter Capable of Doing In-Vivo Cell Imaging for Early Cancer Detection”
  • BILGI RDI – Sürdürülebilir Kentlere Doğru: İstanbul’da Akıllı Park Sistemi ve Politika Geliştirme Projesi, (Yürütücü), 2020-
  • 3219501 – TÜBİTAK Sanayi Yenilik Ağ Mekanizması (SAYEM) Programı– Akıllı Ev Platformu – Akıllı Banyo Teknolojileri, (Yürütücü), 2021-

Dr.İbrahim Başar Aka

  • TUSEB 2023 B01Çağrısı – 33653 Koded – Executive: Ender Ödemiş – “Kendiliğinden Genişleyebilen Özgün bir Transkateter Pulmoner kapak cihazının gelistirilmesi ve degerlendirilmesi.”

Dr. İpek Şen

  • Bilgi BAP (Prj. No. 2020.02.005) – Solunum Seslerinden Astım ve KOAH Şiddetinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Yöntem Araştırması (Executive), 01.03.2021-01.03.2023